#79 - Visit Stonehenge
The Ultimate Historical Mystery!

When I told people about visiting Stonehenge people react very very differently, the top comments being, ‘they’re just some big rocks in a field’ & ‘you can’t even touch them any more is it worth it?’
In my opinion, it was incredibly worth it and is a great day out. We were very fortunate with the weather, a beautiful sunny day, they’d just re-opened and I must say did really well implementing the social distancing ruling.
So what is Stonehenge all about?
Well the fun facts researched on the 2 hour journey there include:
– it is really, really old.
– some of the stones were brought nearly 200 miles away.
– the most popular opinion is, it was a burial ground
– no-one knows who ordered the stones to be buried there
The best thing about this bucket list is you never know what the journey looks like. How, when or who I will complete these life challenges with. This time I was lucky enough to go on this little adventure with Lindsey, a very old secondary school friend, who enjoyed the big rocks even more than I did.
The one concept I can’t quite get my head around is just how old these rocks are. 2500 BC. I mean all this time and not one civilisation decided to knock them down.
My final note on this, I find the way we look back at specific years completely wrong. I mean at the time of 2500 what year was it? It’s like us restarting and instead of 2020 just starting again and next year would be 0001 BP (Before Pandemic). Rack your brains around that.