#64 - Discover something you never knew about your grandparents
If you are reading this now and you are lucky enough to still have your grandparents around, go ask them to tell you something you never knew about them?
If sadly they aren’t present and you’re lucky enough to be able to ask your parents, go ask them to tell you something you never knew about your grandparents?

Something I never knew about Grandad
I am so incredibly fortunate to have such a great relationship with Grandad. I tend to be much more open to emotion and talking about anything really than him, so I thought this might be a a tricky one to get him to open up. I was wrong.
I never knew that Grandad has never taken a driving test.
I never knew that Gradad sat in a Messerschmitt 109 fighter.
Just asking Grandad John to tell me something I didn’t know was great, it opened up a much wider conversation, how back then they didn’t need to take driving tests and you could just apply. Great Grandma Lucy had a driving licence and never drove a day in her life, brilliant. Hearing him discuss sitting in a German Bomber was great, and I think the reason why this is special is because he remembers seeing a dog fight up above in the sky with this plane in his youth.
This does really make you appreciate the society we live in today, even with so much going on in 2020, we have advanced so quickly and I’m incredibly grateful I was born into the family I have been.
Thoroughly enjoyed opening up the conversation with Grandad and seeing where this went.
Something I never knew about Grandma
I am incredibly lucky to have a special bond with my Grandma. She spent a lot of time with us as children and this really has cemented a life long bond. We also have a similar sense of humour, likes and way of thinking and relating to people.
Grandma of course took a different approach, and shared a book with me. I feel very honoured that she trusts me enough to share memories that she put down with me.
I never knew Uncle Brin was also known as Brinley.
I never knew Grandma wanted to be a teacher.
I feel very honoured Grandma shared these deep and meaningful memories with me. I discovered some fun things but really this book felt like an insight into Grandma’s life. Just snippets, but a feel of how challenging break-ups with parents must of been back then.
I feel like I have an even closer relationship than I did yesterday.