Learn How to change a tyre
Learning how to change a tyre should probably be something I know how to do, you know just encase.
To say I am someone who is not very practical or a handy man would be a massive understatement. I hate things like this, I really can’t be bothered and if my tyre blew up I would deal with it then and there or just throw money at it to get it fixed.
My history with cars is an eventful one also, not being a car person I buy cars that will get me from A to B (hopefully)! My favourite car a ford focus costing me £250 and it lasted me two years ha
My Dad on the other hand is someone who knows exactly what to do when it comes to cars, often gives mine a once over when it makes a noise, needs its tyres checked etc.
So, two birds one stone? Some father son bonding and a new skill for myself.
I must say it really wasn’t that bad and I feel comfortable I would do a good job if I ever needed to call upon my new skill. It’s reading the instructions, taking your time, make sure you’re parked up on an even hard surface and be prepared to get your hands dirty.