#30 - Acheive My Ideal Weight (90kg)
26 weeks ago I weight 106kg (16.6 stone) and I now weigh 89.9kg (14.1 stone).

My Weight story:
I am so proud of losing 2 and a half stone in the last 6 months and would like to thank everyone who played a part in supporting me. I have loved the journey, the process, and really got to know my body, what I like, don’t like, and what you put in just how much that effects your weight.
My first big step was changing my relationship with food and nutrition. I have always eaten with excess. Mum piles the food on the plate and I have to eat all the food on the plate. I love food and I love drinking. Why would you do half measures. Covid has changed my lifestyle in a big way as I am not out drinking and socialising which means I don’t eat junk food the next day. When I was lining up this bucket list item and just thinking how I would do it, I knew changing what I ate would be the key ingredient. I spoke with someone at work called Tomas who had just lost over a stone and he put me in touch with his wife Ruta. She kindly put together a spreadsheet eating plan, the key focus being on gradual weight loss and enjoying what you eat, no crazy diet. I am so grateful for this because this changed the way I looked at food and kept on top of my eating.
Exercise is obviously the next key ingredient. I have always loved exercising, specifically running and playing football. I think it’s all about knowing what motivates yourself to get out and do exercise. For me it’s all about having a goal I am working towards. In January I ran 200 miles in that month. We have done this the past two years and this year I was the only one to up it from 150 miles to 200, which I loved and obviously this helped get rid of the Christmas weight. After Jan, I went straight into Triathlon training with Josh which has been great and continues to push my body in ways I have never done before.
Mental strength is the third factor I would say this is integral to achieving any kind of weight loss, it’s being able to say no and be happy with why you are saying no. There have been two big changes in my attitude that have helped me keep such consistency and focus. 1 I was injured from May – September rolling my ankle and damaging ligaments. This was incredibly frustrating and I had to stop. Completely stop. Appreciate my body was not ready to exercise and listen to a fantastic physio to rebuild my strength step by step, small exercises at a time. Being 30 I am going to get injured a lot more and I have a respect now to really look after my body when this happens and try to prevent injuries by stretching as much as possible. Unfortunately the other reason for a change in my long term thinking to be as healthy as possible came after the incredibly sad passing of Lindsey’s dad. This sudden shock and loss of someone so important to my girlfriend just hit me like a tonne of bricks. Life is short and I want to be here enjoying it for as long as possible, so I am going to give my body the best chance I can to keep going with me.
My top tips for acheiving health and weight goals
1. Stay Patient!
Running 3 times a week for a month won’t do it, you have to look at the long term goal and take your time. This took me 6 months. Half a year. Once you build habits they stick with you and it becomes normal.
2. Weigh yourself every day!
Yes this sounds obsessive and over the top. This has been vital in getting to know my body. When I treated myself my weight went up, and that was okay. I got use to really understanding, what you put in, you get out. This allowed me to find the balance I was looking for.
3. No Carbs after 5!
A lot of diets cut carbs because then you lose weight. I do when I do this. The problem is they don’t stay off. I tried a week when I ate bacon and egg on toast every morning but no carbs after 5 and I lost 2kg that week. I was flabbergasted. I soon shifted to try and not eat carbs after 5, as I am really active I burn off all these carbs during the day so they are not sat on my stomach when I am in bed.
4. Measure Success!
I used spreadsheets and the bucket list goal pushed me. I would find something, or someone that pushes you to measure how you are doing even if it’s a bad week, don’t hide away from it, admit where you are because then you can implement change/actions.
5. Stay Patient!
Don’t be so hard on yourself and keep going.
Shout Outs
I felt like this success came from loads of positive people around me and then the feeling when people see you and compliment you, it does spur you on to stay as healthy as possible.
Josh and Gareth and the rest of the lads from home and Hvar boys. My exercise buddies who come out with me, put up with me constantly talking about it as I push myself to achieve these goals.
Ruta, completely changed the way I ate and managed my food intake.
Lindsey and parents for supporting me. Lindsey having been on a weight loss journey a couple of years ago, she really helped when looking at the different ways to lose weight with carbs.
Everyone else who has joined in on this weight loss hype and encouraged me along the way.
The Results
Neck – 41cm & now 38cm
Chest – 111cm & now 102cm
Left bicep – 35.5cm & now 32cm
Right bicep – 36.5cm & now 34cm
Waistline across bellybutton – 105cm & now 91cm
Waistline 5cm above – 101cm & now 88cm
Waistline 5cm below – 103.5cm & now 96cm
Left thigh – 63cm & now 60cm
Right thigh – 62cm & now 61.5cm
Left calf – 42.5cm & now 39.5cm
Right calf – 43.5cm & now 40cm
Weight – 106kg & now
BMI – 37 & now 31.1
Body Fat % – 36.5 & now 31.5