Big Dog - 6th april 2020
Name a star
1558996 – Aries is a star that has now been renamed to Big Dog – 6th April
The star’s astronomically verified position is:
right ascension 2h 8m 6.92s
Declination 12 10′ 34.94″
magnitude 11.4280000
I’ve always thought naming a star would be really cool. I read somewhere once, there are more stars ‘than grains of sand’. Apparently there are 10 times more stars in the night sky than grains of sand in the world’s deserts and beaches.
A statement I feel makes my life feel incredibly minsascule in the grand scheme of things. We are little ants. Enforces the fact that you only live once and the little things bothering us probably aren’t that important.
I was actually intending to name a star for someone else. I reckon this is a hell of a date idea, if there is a worldy you are trying to impress name a star after them, I mean they’re not going to forget you are they? A great present for if you fuck up.
Traditional flowers yes, but a star saying I’m an idiot sorry, how can someone stay mad at you? You’re welcome if this works.
Another idea is naming a star for a loved one if they pass away, ‘they’re looking down on us’ and when you’re thinking of that person looking up to the sky at night to remember the great times.
Probably my favourite present turning 30 was this little gem. Knowing when I look up in the sky at night there is a star up there named after me called Big dog with my birthday ha it’s hilarious. This gift comes from someone incredibly thoughtful who clearly actually listened to me. A caring funny gift. Incredibly grateful number 29 gets ticked off so early on and with such meaning 🙂