The Bucket List
#18 - Make a cheese
Before COVID 19 I imagined this being a really cool one to tick off the bucket list. Go to a cheese factory, see how they really make it, taste some funky arse cheeses and learn the science behind it.
For my 30th my Auntie, Uncle and cousins kindly bought me a ‘how to make cheese’ kit. I made Mozzarella first (one of my favourites) and normally I would call this a day, but this list is teaching me to be more patient so I powered through and made all 10, working on my presentation and putting them into the occasional meals and desserts.
It’s basically shit loads of milk, heat at a specific temperature for a certain amount of time, add acid or a rennet tablet to start separating the weigh from the cheese.
Mozzarella – easy, tasty and fun to make
Goats Cheese – tasted awesome
Least favourite
Feta – long to make and wet
Labneh – never heard of and a bit of an odd cheese, a dip.